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The Best Skincare Routine Step 1 to Last Step Guide

Skincare Routine

Skin is the largest and the most exposed organ of the body and thus the need to take good care of it. Best Skincare has to do with the routines one takes in order to have good skin and to also deal with one issue or the other such as acne, aging, and dryness of the skin. Below you will find a list of recommendations on how to create the perfect skincare routine that fits your concerns

Step-by-Step Skincare Routine

Skincare Routine No 1


The very first thing in any skin care regimen you should follow is washing. It cleans skin from dirt, oil, and makeup which have occurred in the process of the day. 

Pick a delicate cleanser fit to your skin type:

  • Oily Skin: Facial washes which are milky, gel or foam based washes that wash off excess oil from the skin.

  • Dry Skin: Soft, moisturizing agents.

  • Sensitive Skin: Synthetic, hypoallergenic, and and no fragrances.

Tip: For the face, cleanse it using water and soap, at least, twice a day ; before going to bed and in the morning.

Skincare Routine No 2

Facial scrub (preferably twice or thrice a week).

It increases cell turnover and also removes the dead skin cells to reveal a fresh new layer hence enlightening the skin. Nevertheless, over-exfoliating is negative, so you need to perform this step no more than from three times a week.

  • Physical Exfoliants: It is as a scrub with granules.

  • Chemical Exfoliants: Glycolic acids, AHA’s (alpha-hydroxy-acids) that chemically dissolve dead skin cells as well as BHA’s (beta-hydroxy-acids).

Tip: The chemical exfoliants should be preferred by the people with sensitive skin as it is less harsh than the physical ones.

Skincare Routine No 3


Toners help to restore skin’s pH level and to wipe out the rests of the cleanser on the face. They also help to prime your skin to receive serums and moisturisers in an enhanced manner.

Types of Toners
  • Hydrating Toners: To be used on the skin that has dry skin.

  • Clarifying Toners: For oily or acne based skin profile where the product might contain ingredients such as salicylic acid.
  • Tip: It is well advised that you should not use toners containing alcohol as such products have a way of leaving your skin dry.

    Skincare Routine No 4


    Skincare Routine

    Serums are highly active treatments developed for penetration of the skin in order to provide solutions for several issues such as aging, spots or dryness.

    Depending on your needs, choose a serum that contains active ingredients like:
  • Hyaluronic Acid: For hydration.

  • Vitamin C: For illumination and wrinkles removal.

  • Retinol: This is suitable to use when in need of reducing lines and wrinkles.
  • Tip: Also, the application of serums should be done right after toning so as to ensure that the skin absorbs it.

    Skincare Routine No 5


    They help to seal in water and strengthen the outermost layer of the skin. Everyone should moisturize their skin and this goes out for anyone having oily skin.

    Use a product that suits your skin type:

    • Oily Skin: The former is light moisturizers, which do not contain oil.

    • Dry Skin: Full-month, which is high-risk, ingredients containing cream based moisturizers.

    • Combination Skin: Gel-based moisturizers.

    Tip: Update 3: Smooth a rich moisturizer when the skin is wet and it will lock in moisture.

    Skincare Routine No 6

    Sunscreen (Daytime Only)

    Another rudimentary skin product is the sunscreen which is very important in taking care of the skin. The greatest benefit of sunscreen is that it shields your skin from UV rays that lead to skin aging, burning and even skin cancer. Apply high protection sunscreen of at least S.P.F 30 that will protect your skin against both UVA and UVB radiation.

    Types of Sunscreens

    • Chemical Sunscreens: Just as any other cloth, it has to be able to absorb UV rays.

    • Physical Sunscreens: Both contains zinc oxide or titanium dioxide and reflects the UV rays.

    Tip: To avoid getting sunburns, one has to apply sunscreen every two hours when he or she is in the sun.

    Skincare Routine No 7

    Night Creams or Treatments – these formulas must be used at night only.

    The last step can require a night cream or any other treatment that is more nourishing such as retinol or a sleep mask. Night creams are specific products that are used at night and have benefits of repairing skin in the night.

    Tip: Some treatments such as retinol should be allowed to penetrate for some few minutes before applying night cream.

    Adjust your Skin Care Program to Your Type of SkinFor Dry Skin:

    Use a good cleanser and toner that will help the skin to remain moist.
    It can incorporate the kind of serums with hyaluronic acid or glycerin for increasing the level of hydration.
    Use creamy, rich in terms of their oils, lotions and creams.

    For Oily Skin:

    The gel or foam cleaner has to be applied to help in controlling oiliness.
    Avoid heavy moisturizers especially those that list comedogenic properties in its ingredients list.
    So for shrinkage, use toners that are made from ingredients such as witch hazel or those containing salicylic acid.

    For Combination Skin:

    Cleanse your skin gently and exfoliate the T-zone regions more often because these areas are oilier than others.
    An oil-free moisturizer should be used to areas prone to oiliness and thick creams to dry areas of the skin.
    For the most part, use concentrated treatments for affairs such as acne.

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